The Best “Hack” for Home Product Manufacturers to Create Trust When Marketing Online

Jul 15, 2024 | Magazine

It’s no secret that when it comes to successful business relationships, trust is everything. But, with digital society making everything seem a little less… well… personal — how can you ensure that your home product manufacturing business is one people know they can rely on?

It’s no secret that when it comes to successful business relationships, trust is everything. But, with digital society making everything seem a little less… well… personal — how can you ensure that your home product manufacturing business is one people know they can rely on?

In our experience, the best way to establish this level of trust is to build a trustworthy brand focused on solving problems, not just selling products. 

Customers value trust. And when your product manufacturing brand is seen as a reliable solution provider, they’ll be more likely to engage with you and become loyal advocates. 

So where should you start?

To help, our team is here to guide you through essential strategies to create a clear and consistent brand that connects with your audience, boosts your credibility, and cements your position in the online marketplace.

Here’s what you need to know.

1. Know (and Understand!) Exactly Who You’re Targeting

Before you can start marketing solutions to homeware stores and other product distributors, it’s important to learn everything there is to know about their individual needs, pain points, and evolving preferences.

With this level of understanding, not only can you be more precise in your messaging, you’ll also be able to build stronger connections and increase trust in a way that feels less forced and more organic. Remember, successful marketing should feel personalized, not overpowering.

Here’s why customer understanding and precise, personalized targeting matter for online marketing:

  • Builds stronger connections: Understanding your audience’s needs helps you adjust your messaging to suit specific types of customers and address evolving needs to make customers feel truly “seen”.
  • Opens new opportunities: Knowing your audience can help you uncover new market segments or product ideas — an absolute must in industries where competition is always heating up!
  • Increases efficiency: Targeted marketing efforts also attract qualified leads more effectively and tend to drive a higher ROI — a great way to optimize your marketing spend.

Tips for identifying your target audience:

  • Start with market research: Use surveys, interviews, and analytics to gather data on your potential customers.
  • Create buyer personas: Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers, including demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Analyze competitors: Look at who your competitors are targeting and how you can differentiate your approach.
  • Monitor social media: Conduct “social listening exercises” and observe conversations not just about your business, but also trends related to your industry to understand what your audience cares about.

Use Persona Builder, a service by Perk Brands, to save time and resources to get a deep grasp on your audience, their online preferences, and your true competition. 

Bonus tip: Boost your online visibility through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by optimizing your content for search engines to expand your reach and attract organic traffic. 

2. Clearly Define Your Messaging (and Be Consistent!)

In today’s market, clear, consistent messaging is vital for building a trustworthy brand. When you’re building your online presence, you have a very limited amount of time to connect with your audience before they decide to click elsewhere.

This means your messaging needs to instantly convey your brand’s values, mission, and the unique benefits you offer with confidence, clarity, and consistency. And if you want your brand to feel more authentic, and less “salesy”, you’ll need to incorporate effective storytelling techniques to help you genuinely connect with your audience.

Here’s why clear, consistent messaging matters:

  • Establishes your brand identity: Consistent messaging — from your logo right down to how you speak to customers — helps to create a recognizable brand voice.
  • Communicates value: Clear messaging makes it easier for customers to understand what sets you apart, and why they should choose you.
  • Builds credibility: Consistent, honest messaging naturally helps create a sense of trust between you and your audience.


Tips for defining your messaging:

  • Craft a compelling value proposition: Clearly articulate why customers should choose your brand over competitors.
  • Use a consistent tone and voice: Ensure all communications reflect your brand’s personality and values — from your chatbots to your monthly newsletter.
  • Focus on benefits, not just features: Highlight exactly how your products or services can solve your audience’s problems or fulfill their needs, rather than just highlighting product features.

Be transparent: Share authentic stories and information about your products, services, and company. And remember, never overpromise!


Tip: If you’re struggling to maintain consistency across your messaging, why not consider a more traditional marketing approach and create brand guidelines? From website copy to email marketing messaging, brand guidelines can help your in-house teams and industry partners understand how to discuss your brand online.

3. Encourage (and Leverage!) Social Proof

Before they ever connect with you, your prospective customers can (and do) research your competitors online. That’s why it’s so important to give customers the peace of mind they need to make a buying decision… without them straying from your digital marketing channels!

This is where social proof comes in. Social proof involves showcasing evidence that others have had positive experiences with your brand. When potential customers see that others trust and endorse your products or customer service, they’re more likely to feel confident in choosing you.

Here’s why social proof matters so much for home product manufacturers building an online presence:

  • Enhances credibility: Positive reviews and testimonials from real-life customers validate your brand’s claims and build trust. (Just be sure never to fabricate these reviews, as this can have the opposite effect!)
  • Boosts confidence: Social proof reassures potential customers that they’re making a good decision, especially when your reviews offer something they can relate to.
  • Drives conversions: Customers are more likely to purchase from a brand with visible social proof. Without real-life customer stories, it can look like you’ve got something to hide!


Tips for making the most of social proof:

  • Display customer testimonials: Always share authentic reviews and testimonials prominently on your website and marketing materials. If you don’t have any, ask happy customers if they’d mind filling out a short customer feedback form!
  • Showcase case studies: Highlight success stories and detailed case studies that demonstrate real-world results prospective customers can relate to.
  • Encourage user-generated content: As part of your social media marketing strategy, encourage customers to share their experiences on social media and tag your brand.
  • Feature endorsements: Highlight endorsements from influencers, industry experts, or satisfied customers.


Bonus tip: Reputation and credibility really are everything when it comes to establishing trust online. It’s important only to use advanced online marketing tools from reputable providers to optimize your online marketing efforts. These tools, like Atmosphere – our CRM and marketing platform, enhance your online advertising across various online marketing channels, ensuring a cohesive, secure, and impactful approach to internet marketing.

Get More from Your Home Product Marketing Strategy

Building trust in online marketing requires a strategic approach that focuses on understanding your audience, defining your messaging, leveraging social proof, and optimizing your overall online presence. 

These steps not only enhance your brand’s credibility, they also help create long-term relationships with customers.

Ready to explore some new, innovative, and highly-effective techniques to support your online marketing strategy?

At Perk BrandsBuilt For Home, we work with home product manufacturers who want to expand their online reach and make the most of forward-thinking digital marketing campaigns to grow their business.

Take your first step. Schedule an intro calls with us today.