Manufacturers, Get Your Strategic Planning Retreat Agenda Right

Dec 23, 2024 | Marketing

Host a strategic retreat your team will thank you for. Learn how manufacturers can build agendas that align goals, drive results, and turn strategy into action.
Office employees around a table outdoors collaborate during a strategic planning retreat

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When was the last time you hit pause to really think about where your manufacturing business is heading? 48% of leaders spend less than 1 day a month talking strategy. That’s not enough. 

This is why hosting an annual strategic planning retreat is so important for home product manufacturers. A strategic planning session is your chance to align your team, work through tricky challenges, and plan for real growth.

But a poorly-planned retreat is just an expensive waste of time. Without a proper strategic planning process, a clear strategic planning agenda, or meaningful follow-through, you’ll walk away with a lot of post-it notes and zero results.

Let’s avoid that. Whether this is your first strategic planning retreat or your 50th, this guide will walk you through 5 steps you can take to make sure your next retreat is worth every minute.

And don’t miss the bonus at the end of this article—a complete Strategic Planning Guide to help you nail every stage of your retreat. It covers everything that needs to happen before, during, and after a retreat to squeeze every bit of success out of it.

Narrow the Focus

The first step is to decide what the focus of the retreat will be. If you’re planning to reap the rewards of this retreat for an entire year, make sure you’re focusing on the few things that really make an impact in the positive health of your business.

Why are you having this retreat? Answering this question upfront will keep your agenda laser-focused.

  • Are you solving a specific problem, like a sales slump?
  • Are you setting long-term goals, like expanding into a new market?
  • Are you brainstorming for a new product launch?

Pick one or two key objectives and align them with your company’s mission. If it doesn’t drive the business forward, save it for another meeting.

For example, let’s say your customer surveys reveal frequent complaints about slow shipping times. That’s a clear signal your retreat should include time to address logistics improvements.

If your focus is the future, decide what’s most important and stick with topics that drive that mission forward.

Decide Who Should Be in the Room

Getting the right mix of people in the room is everything. You want a crew that can spark fresh ideas, solve real problems, and keep things moving.

So, who gets an invite? It could be:

  • Leadership Team: Your C-suite, department heads, or senior managers are the ones who know the big picture and can think strategically.
  • Specialists: Include people with insights on specific challenges—like logistics, marketing, or product development.
  • External Advisors: Sometimes, you need an outside voice to shake things up. A consultant or facilitator can help steer the conversation and make sure no one’s stuck in the same old way of thinking.
An entrepreneur sits in front of a mountain view during an annual planning retreat
Flying solo for this retreat? Use the time to reflect on your vision and goals. Then, map out how you’ll share your insights with the team so everyone stays on the same page.

Prep, Prep, Then Prep Some More

The secret to a successful retreat? Preparation. If you walk in without the right data or direction, you’ll spend most of your time playing catch-up instead of focusing on the few truly critical priorities you need to address.

Preparation doesn’t mean drowning the entire planning team in charts and reports. It’s a thorough and exhaustive process to get your strategic priorities straight. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Review Past Goals: Look at previous strategic plans or initiatives. Maybe even do an organizational effectiveness audit. What worked? What didn’t? Learn from both.
  • Financial Reports: Get clear on your numbers—revenue, expenses, profitability. It’s hard to plan for growth if you don’t know where you stand.
  • Customer Feedback: Pull together surveys, reviews, or support tickets to spot patterns. What are your customers asking for? What are they struggling with?
  • Market Trends Include competitor analysis or industry insights to identify opportunities and threats.
  • Operational Benchmarks: Share KPIs for production, efficiency, or sales to assess performance gaps.

Get Stakeholder Insight

To make meaningful progress, you need input from the people who live and breathe your business every day.

Make Key Strategies Actionable

Think of your retreat prep as setting the foundation. The clearer and more organized you are, the more productive your team will be. Share a pre-retreat packet with attendees a week in advance, so they have time to review and come prepared with ideas.

Set Expectations

Let everyone know they’ll need to read through the pre-retreat packet before the big day. If anything’s unclear, they should ask questions ahead of time.

Also, ask them to bring along any extra info they think might help and be ready to jump in with their ideas and insights during the retreat.

Pick the Perfect Spot 

Pick a space that gets everyone thinking clearly. We recommend going offsite to ditch distractions and get into strategy mode. Maybe it’s a boutique hotel, a nature retreat for a mix of work and fresh air, or a quiet conference center with all the tech you need. Here’s what to consider:


A location that’s hard to reach—whether due to distance, poor transport links, or tricky schedules—can drain energy before the retreat even begins. Choose a spot that minimizes travel stress. Bonus points for arranging group transportation or providing clear travel instructions ahead of time.


Will you have strong, reliable Wi-Fi to support any presentations or remote attendees? Does the meeting space accommodate your group comfortably, with room for breakout discussions? Does it have tech essentials like projectors, whiteboards, and charging stations?


The environment you choose sets the tone for your retreat. A bright, creative space can spark ideas and get everyone working together. Go for spaces that feel energizing and welcoming. Think big windows, greenery, or outdoor areas to help your team recharge and stay inspired.
Can’t go offsite? No problem. Create a distraction-free zone in your office, or host a hybrid retreat using tools like Zoom and Miro to keep remote participants engaged.

Build a Flexible Agenda

Nobody wants to spend an entire day trapped in endless, aimless meetings. A smart agenda keeps things focused but leaves room to breathe.

Start with the Big Questions

Use the agenda in the Fásnua Strategic Planning Guide as your foundation. It’ll help you tackle big challenges—like fixing a sales slump, planning market expansion, or brainstorming your next product—while keeping things on schedule and leaving room for ideas.

You can also use tools like these to keep things on track:

  • SWOT Analysis: Break down what’s working (strengths), what’s not (weaknesses), and what external opportunities or threats to look out for.
  • Scenario Planning: This helps you prep for “what-ifs”. Thinking about launching a new product or expanding into a new market? Map out potential outcomes so you can stay ahead of surprises.

Mix It Up

Back-to-back sessions are a one-way ticket to burnout—and bad ideas. Keep the energy up by scheduling in breaks and adding lighter activities and breaks:

  • Take a team walk outside or do a quick yoga session.
  • Share meals together to build connection (and get some good laughs).
  • Try mindfulness exercises to refocus when the energy starts to dip.
  • Play some lighthearted games between intense sessions.
A team of employees stretch during a meditation exercise during a planning retreat
Team of employees sit around a campfire during a team building exercise.

Stay Flexible

Sometimes, the conversation takes an unexpected turn—and that’s okay. Leave some wiggle room in your schedule to dig deeper into what’s working and skip over topics that aren’t sparking any ideas. Flexibility keeps the retreat productive and stress-free.

Wrap Up Your Retreat with an Action Plan

A retreat is only as good as the action it inspires. Without follow-through, your big ideas will fizzle out before you even get back to the office.

For every big conversation, wrap it up with concrete steps that spell out exactly what happens next. Here’s how to create a clear action plan that actually sticks:


Make sure each task has a name next to it—no vague promises to “figure out the specifics later.” For instance, if you’re planning to launch a new marketing campaign, specify who’s drafting the strategy, who’s designing the assets, and who’s running point. 


A task without a deadline? It’s a task that sits on the back burner forever. Give each action item a realistic timeline—urgent enough to keep up momentum but reasonable enough not to overwhelm the team.

Success Metrics

How will you know your plan worked? Get specific with your metrics. Whether it’s increasing sales, cutting production costs, or boosting customer reviews, make sure everyone knows what “winning” looks like.

For example, if your retreat goal is to increase online sales, your plan might look like this:

  • Revamp the website (Owner: Marketing Manager, Deadline: 3 months).
  • Launch a paid ad campaign (Owner: Marketing Specialist, Deadline: 1 month).
  • Track traffic and conversions (Owner: Data Analyst, Ongoing).

Need help getting your sales strategy together? Check out, “The Best Sales Channel Strategy for Home Product Manufacturers.”

Share the Game Plan

Don’t let the energy die after the retreat. Send a clear summary of decisions and next steps to your entire team. Use project management tools like Trello or Miro to keep everything organized, and check in regularly to make sure progress doesn’t stall.

The retreat isn’t the end—it’s the launchpad. Keep the momentum alive, and watch those big ideas turn into even bigger wins.

Your next step…

Run Your Retreat Better with Fásnua.

Strategic retreats are where big ideas come together and your team leaves feeling motivated and ready to kick things into action. But planning one? That can get overwhelming fast.

The Fásnua Strategic Planning Guide helps leaders like you zero in on your mission, articulate it in a way that energizes your team, and turn your vision into a truly effective strategic plan.

Get the Strategic Planning Guide and start planning your first or next retreat with a big headstart! If you’re reading this article before the end of 2024, you can get it for FREE. Pop your email in below, and we’ll share it with you!

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When you’ve got a solid strategy and everyone’s on the same page, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish. So take that strategy of yours, make it better with the help of your focused team, and turn it into a plan that everyone can rally behind.