Spend Less, Reach More: 3 Ways Buyer Personas Can Help Home Product Manufacturers Target Customers

Aug 12, 2024 | Marketing

Discover exactly how home product manufacturers can leverage buyer personas to reduce marketing costs and effectively reach their ideal customers.

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When it comes to crafting effective marketing and customer acquisition strategies, customer understanding has always been a priority. Knowing as much as you can about who your ideal customers are and what they want is crucial for helping you target the right people at the perfect time. Especially for home product manufacturers!

But how exactly should you approach customer understanding, and what strategies can you employ to get it right?

Why learn more about your buyer?

Understanding your audience isn’t just about getting your message across more effectively, it can also significantly reduce customer acquisition costs (CAC) and increase conversion rates.

Customer understanding is also a great foundation for guiding your business’s future product growth strategies, allowing you to adapt products to meet customer needs as they evolve.

But as a home product manufacturer — how can you organize customer data in a way that not only makes sense across teams, but can also be adapted as the market changes and your business grows?

The answer? Buyer personas.

What Is a Buyer Persona?

Essentially, a buyer persona is a detailed representation of your ideal customer, including their characteristics, needs, behaviors, and preferences.

Based on market research and real data about your existing customers, a buyer persona is the ultimate character profile of the people you’re trying to reach.

With a well-defined buyer persona in mind, you can glean actionable insights to guide your efforts to connect with your target audience.

Common details in a buyer persona include:

  • Demographic information (age, location, job, etc.)
  • Customer behaviors
  • Motivations
  • Goals
Woman writes on glass marker board with marketing team discussing buyer personas

Top 3 Ways to Use Buyer Personas

With the right approach to buyer personas, you can ensure that every dollar you spend on outreach is targeted toward the most receptive audience. So, once you’ve created your customer personas (more on how to do this later!), it’s time to leverage them!

Happy woman leans on counter in kitchen reading a text message on her phone.
Tip: Atmosphere is Perk Brands’ preferred platform for building and automating hyper-personalized emails and SMS messages. Learn more at inatmosphere.com.

1. Build an Email or SMS List

One of the most effective ways to use a buyer persona is to build an email or SMS list tailored to your ideal prospective customers. Armed with the knowledge of your buyers’ preferences, behaviors, and needs, you can create targeted campaigns that connect faster than ever and drive the type of engagement you’re looking for.

Here are some tips and steps to follow to get your email or SMS list right from the start:

  • Segment your lists: Break down your email or SMS list into segments based on various buyer persona characteristics.
  • Personalize content:
    Send tailored content to address each customer segment’s unique needs and interests.
  • Automate campaigns:
    Use automation tools to send timely messages based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Keep things updated:
    Regularly assess and update your email and SMS lists for relevance.
  • Provide exclusive offers:
    Offer special incentives to maintain engagement.
  • Establish a feedback loop:
    Encourage subscribers to share feedback to refine your buyer personas further.

2. Create a Customer Referral or Affiliate Program

A referral or affiliate program can be a great, cost-effective way to attract new customers and reward loyal ones. But, with so many referral programs and affiliate strategies bombarding customers with sign-up prompts and offers, it’s important to stand out and provide genuine value to participants.

For optimal results, focus on:

  • Incentives that matter:
    Offer rewards that align with your buyer persona’s interests.
  • Easy participation:
    Provide easy-to-use referral tools.
  • Trackable results:
    Use data and analytics to track your program’s success.
  • Social sharing:
    Encourage social media sharing to reach a broader audience.
  • Referral reminders:
    Send regular reminders to encourage participation.
  • Testimonials:
    Share success stories to showcase the program’s value.
Man sitting on a sofa is happy to open an affiliate gift from a home product manufacturer.
A young male influencer sits in front of his phone highlighting a home product manufacturers product.

3. Meet Your Buyers Where They Already Are

Detailed buyer personas help ensure you know where to reach your audience, whether on social media, forums, or specific websites or podcasts. Knowing where your buyers spend their time online allows you to focus your marketing efforts on the most effective channels.

Here’s how to capture your audience’s attention by meeting them at their level:

  • Social media insights:
    Identify which platforms your target market uses and adapt your content accordingly.
  • Content strategy:
    Develop content that addresses your audience’s interests and positions you as an industry leader.
  • Advertising:
    Place ads on platforms and websites your audience frequents to increase visibility and engagement.
  • Influencer collaborations:
    Partner with influencers who align with your target audience to extend your reach. If your audience (particularly Gen Z) already trusts certain influencers, engaging with these individuals can carry that trust over to your brand.
  • Community engagement:
    Participate in online communities and forums where your audience is active to build relationships and trust.

How to Create Buyer Personas

Persona Builder: Deep Insights for Home Product Manufacturers

If everything we’ve discussed so far sounds like a great approach for your home product manufacturing business, there’s no time to waste in creating your buyer personas. But, with your time already spread thin and marketing costs rising — getting a head start on the critical research you need can be tricky.

Particularly when it comes to the depth of insights required, a lack of detailed, actionable insights can lead to your marketing efforts, product development, and customer engagement strategies falling flat — resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities.

This is where Persona Builder comes in.

A service offered by Perk Brands, Persona Builder solves many of the problems associated with understanding customer strategies by providing comprehensive, data-driven insights about your buyers. Whether your sales channels consist of direct-to-consumer (DTC), dealers, or a more complex network, Persona Builder helps you understand their needs, behaviors, and online preferences to reach them more confidently and cost-efficiently.

Persona Builder delivers details on 7 key fronts to help you build and take advantage of buyer personas more quickly:

  • Audience demographics:
    Get detailed information on age, gender, and location — allowing you to to identify and target market segments accurately.
  • Social media behavior:
    Benefit from insights into which social platforms your audience uses most, guiding your social media marketing efforts.
  • Website visits:
    Leverage data on frequently visited websites to understand your audience’s online behavior.
  • Content consumption:
    Evaluate information on preferred content types like blogs, videos, and podcasts to inform, adjust, and optimize your content strategy.
  • Influencers and brand affinities:
    Identify key influencers and brands that your audience trusts, facilitating effective collaborations.
  • Keywords and hashtags:
    Assess popular keywords and hashtags used by your audience, optimizing your SEO and social media strategies.
  • Audience interests:
    Evaluate broad interests and specific topics your audience is passionate about, helping you tailor your messaging and product offerings.
Shipping boxed orders down a conveyor belt to be delivered to consumers.

By applying the insights from Persona Builder, you can expect tangible benefits like increased engagement, higher conversion rates, and more efficient use of marketing resources.

Plus, you’ll be more confident understanding your audience’s needs, leading to more meaningful connections, sustained customer loyalty, and future product ideas.

Persona Builder is the tool you need to save time, reduce ad costs, and stay ahead of the competition by not just knowing your buyers — but truly understanding and connecting with them.

Your next step…

Find out more about Persona Builder.

Ready to optimize your marketing strategy with buyer personas that drive your desired results? Learn more about our Persona Builder service and how it can help you stay several steps ahead of the competition. Text “Persona Builder” to (844) 502-9800 to set up a call and get started.

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Perk Brands is a digital marketing company that helps home product manufacturers improve their online visibility, leads, and sales. Visit us at perkbrands.com.