The Connection Between Employee Mental Health and Manufacturing Business Success

Home product manufacturing workers have fun and laugh together at work.

May: A Month to Reflect and Act on Mental Health in Manufacturing

May is Mental Health Awareness Month – a time to spotlight mental health education and advocacy.

In the manufacturing industry, where the pressures of production deadlines and safety standards are ever-present, dedicating time to mental health awareness in the workplace can strengthen the pillars of your business.

Our Mental Health Awareness Playbook, inspired by NAMI’s #MoreThanEnough campaign, offers a free guide to help industry leaders improve their approach to mental health in their organizations. Download the playbook here. Our goal is to help you create a balanced plan which your employees will actually appreciate – neither ignoring or overblowing mental health.

Understanding Mental Health: Beyond the Basics

Historically, people associated the phrase “mental health” with mental instability or illness, but today, professionals define mental health as a state of complete physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The World Health Organization has identified that mental health is crucial for coping with life’s stresses, recognizing our abilities, and contributing meaningfully to our communities.

Unlike some physical illnesses with visible symptoms, mental health is often not as noticeable. Many people exhibiting the outward signs of success may struggle internally, a good reminder of the need for a personalized approach to mental wellness.

The Importance of Employee Mental Health

Think of creating a positive work environment by supporting mental health as akin to maintaining safety standards in your workplace.

Good mental health among your employees creates a host of benefits for them as individuals and for your team and business as a whole:

  • Increases productivity, focus, attention span, and proactive problem-solving
  • Enhances brand loyalty and employee retention
  • Improves team dynamics, social communications, and EQ (emotional intelligence)
  • Reduces absenteeism
    Fewer worker’s compensation claims
  • Improves safety, leading to decreased downtime and lower insurance premiums
  • Lessens inter-team conflicts, calling out, soft quitting, and more

As leaders, it’s our responsibility to foster a culture that values mental well-being as much as physical safety.

Next Steps: Implementing the Playbook

For next steps on how to create an environment supportive to mental health in your manufacturing business, download the Mental Health Playbook. It incorporates a balanced outlook with actionable steps to engage employees and pivot workplace culture toward health and productivity.

Adopting these strategies and utilizing our playbook can make a tangible difference in your workplace’s mental health culture.

Free Bonus: Looking for more resources? Consider the NAMI Partner Guide. As a special offer to you, let us personalize your Mental Health Awareness Month graphics with your company branding. To have your personalized graphics ready before May 1, when Mental Awareness Month starts, contact us by April 16.
About the Author

Jason Otis is the president of Perk Brands and founder of Built for Home. Perk Brands is a digital marketing agency that partners with home product manufacturers to make their products easy to find and buy. Built for Home is a community of home product manufacturers and a resource for buyers to find products that make their lives better at home.


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