The Cognitive Stages of a Buyer’s Journey: Navigating Decision-Making

Dec 29, 2023 | Marketing

Understanding the buyer’s journey helps provide the right information at the right time to shorten the journey toward purchase and use. This article focuses on the cognitive steps so you can address them in your marketing and sales processes.
A female consumer considers whether to buy a product as part of the bnuyers journey.

Understanding the buyer’s journey helps provide the right information at the right time to shorten the journey toward purchase and use.

— Built for Home

Each of us moves through stages when buying something. With some exceptions, the more significant or meaningful the purchase, the more defined each step becomes.

A well-documented process for this process is AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire/Decision, Action), with an optional 5th step of retention.

As marketing professionals, we continually work to improve our understanding of the stages a person (or persons representing an entity) goes through when considering a purchase. The goal of deeper understanding is to shorten the buyer’s journey by providing the right information at the right time.

While there is much research (and opinion) on emotions’ role in the buyer’s journey, this article peers into the cognitive stages.


Why Consider the Cognitive Stages of a Buyer’s Journey?

Buyers Have an Enhanced Understanding of Your Product

Buyers are able to more fully understand a product and its benefits much earlier in the buying process, which impacts the speed and momentum of all subsequent stages.

Decisions Are Influenced More by Data

Data is more available than ever before, and data influences decisions. And while not all “data” may be factual, it’s easy for us to process and label it as such.

For example, if a trusted friend tells you they use a particular product brand you are considering purchasing, that information is allowed into your conscious and processed as factual. The result is “that product is good.”

You Can Improve Marketing Engagement

Inversely, you can better understand your prospective buyer using data. With a better appreciation of the problems your customer faces and what they desire, marketing messaging and placement can be more efficiently tailored to address their needs and desires.

What are the Cognitive Stages of a Buyer’s Journey?

The cognitive stages encompass customer behaviors that individuals are conscious of, even if articulating the underlying reasons proves challenging — primarily due to the intricate nature of self-recognizing emotions and ego.

Problem Preawareness
Problem Preawareness

In the Problem Preawareness stage, customers are blissfully unaware of any issues or needs. This marks the period before they recognize a problem, where their attention hasn’t yet shifted towards a particular need. At this point, businesses must lay the groundwork for problem awareness by introducing the challenges their product or service can address. Who knew we needed removable adhesive for sticking notes and hanging pictures?

Problem Awareness
Problem Awareness

In the Problem Preawareness stage, customers are blissfully unaware of any issues or needs. This marks the period before they recognize a problem, where their attention hasn’t yet shifted towards a particular need. At this point, businesses must lay the groundwork for problem awareness by introducing the challenges their product or service can address. Who knew we needed removable adhesive for sticking notes and hanging pictures?


As customers enter the Find stage, they actively seek information related to the identified problem or need. This stage occurs during the decision-making process, and businesses must ensure their visibility in the customer’s search. Providing accessible and valuable information becomes crucial to guide customers toward what they deem as suitable solutions.


In the Consider stage, customers are in the midst of actively contemplating potential solutions. This phase is vital as they weigh various options against their needs and preferences. Businesses should focus on presenting the unique value propositions of their products or services, aiming to stand out positively during the customer’s deliberation.


The Evaluate stage involves customers scrutinizing specific products or services in detail. Here, they dive deeper into the offerings, comparing features, prices, and reviews. Businesses must ensure their offerings are compelling and distinct, addressing the customer’s criteria for making an informed decision. Online and peer reviews are critical at this stage.


The Buy stage is the culmination of the buying journey, where the customer makes the final purchase decision. Businesses need to streamline this process, ensuring it’s straightforward, trustworthy, and aligned with the customer’s expectations to encourage successful conversions.


Customers, now well-acquainted with the product or service, enter the Suggest stage. In this phase, they may actively recommend the product or service to others based on their positive experiences. Companies should harness this potential by implementing strategies that encourage and amplify word-of-mouth marketing.


The Exit stage signifies the end of the customer-product relationship. Whether due to evolving needs, dissatisfaction, or other factors, this phase demands a nuanced approach. Companies should conduct exit surveys, seeking insights into the reasons behind the exit and potentially leaving the door open for future engagement.